What's new in Workplace?
July 2019

All the latest Workplace product announcements and feature releases.

Workplace prides itself on being a communication platform for everyone in a company. From the finance team to the shop floor to the office of the CEO, everything we build aims to bridge the distance between employees. This month, we released several products to make it easier for organisations to do just that.

Whether you're setting up a space for company announcements or sharing must-know links, we've got you covered.

Browse all of our new features below and make sure that you join one of our "What's New in Workplace" training sessions in September to learn more.


Taking the pulse of your organisation has never been easier

An important part of driving employee engagement is understanding the thoughts and concerns of people across your organisation. That's why we've launched Surveys.

With Surveys, Workplace admins can send up to five questions to anyone in their community via Workplace Chat. Furthermore, once a survey has at least five responses, anonymised results are just a click away in the Admin Panel.

Getting started

Surveys can be created by system admins, content moderators or custom-admin roles with the 'Manage surveys' permission.

To create a survey, click on the Surveys tab within the Admin Panel. From there, you'll have a status overview of all surveys along with the option to create a new survey.

Surveys in Workplace


Centralise your organisation's most important resources

Resources is now available to all customers. It's a new admin-managed page under the Explore tab, where organisations can curate an official set of key resources – on a single page, with a static location.

You don't need a code so you can set up your Resources page in minutes. And consistent navigation makes it easy for users to find and access the resources they need.

Getting started

System admins and content moderators can set up and edit an organisation's Resources page.

Within the Workplace Home tab, go to Resources under Explore. From there, create categories and add links as resources. Then publish. And don't fret – only published categories will be visible to non-admins. We've put together a useful guide to help you get started.



Enrich your profile with skills

We're empowering users to promote their expertise by adding skills to their profile. Now anyone can add skills to their Workplace profile and endorse the skills of others.

You can also search Skills in the People Directory so you can find the right fit for your project team. Connecting to a colleague with shared interests has never been easier.

Show your skills on Workplace


Find your files fast

Files are a huge part of the way we work, but often it is hard to recover a file after people share it. Not anymore! We've now introduced the ability to search for files and links based on keywords in file titles.


Create groups from the Admin Panel

Engaging groups are central to a successful Workplace community. We are now making it easier to build your group structure. Admins will now be able to create multiple groups directly from the Admin Panel by uploading a spreadsheet or email list. This feature will be available to all companies in the coming weeks.

Getting started

To use this feature, visit the Groups tab in the Admin Panel, click on "Create Multiple Groups" and select an option from the drop-down menu. The Workplace admin that creates the groups will become the admin of those groups by default, and can subsequently assign group admins and moderators.

Explore new ways of working with Workplace. Join a training webinar here.

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