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How to prepare your community for


On 4 November 2019, we will move all communities that have not yet moved to the Workplace domain on their behalf.

For communities with disabled Workplace URL setting, it will be enabled on 30 September 2019, and you will be able to carry out your move between 30 September and 4 November 2019. The Workplace "URL setting" allows you to move your Workplace community to the new Workplace domain. You'll be able to find this at the top of this section: Admin Panel > Settings > Company settings.

If you are on Workplace Standard, your community was automatically moved to on or before 1 July. Below is a guide to preparing your community for a smooth move to

Refresh any Workplace materials

Refresh any Workplace materials

Moving to should be a seamless experience that is virtually unnoticeable by your community. However, we have some suggestions to make the change as clear as possible.

  1. Notify your community. Select a date prior to 4 November when you plan to move your community to and communicate this to all employees. You can share with them the new URL to access Workplace []. Let them know that nothing about their experience will change and we will continue redirecting from Facebook URLs for now. To ensure that the news gets to everyone, you can use the "mark as important" feature to mark the post for top of News Feed and send email notifications.
  2. Mobile app update: Once you move to, all employees should update their mobile app to the most recent version. Older mobile apps will still work, but there may be some issues with link sharing.
  3. Update your Workplace documentation and links. As your community moves to, you will want to update any Workplace training or educational materials that your community uses to say instead of Likewise, if you have any shared Workplace links documented, you should update them to

Technical preparation

Technical preparation

When you move to, there should be no effect on the login experience, SSO or integrations. However, we will be making updates to these configurations shortly after your move to Here is what you should consider updating:

  1. Account management (SCIM) and Graph APIs: The SCIM and Graph APIs will work across both and domains. Continuing to use the old URL will not have a negative effect; however, changeover is recommended. This can be done by changing your app to point to
  2. Browser configuration: Depending on your organisation's strategy for deploying and managing browsers, there may be changes that you can implement that will improve the migration experience. We advise you to add to the trusted sites policies for managed browsers, and if possible, consider allowing third-party cookies for the domain.

The day of the move

The day of the move

On 4 November, we will move those that have not yet moved to the Workplace domain on their behalf. We recommend making the move to early in the day when your technical support team will be available to address any questions or concerns that may come up.

Moving to

To move to, go to the "Settings" section of the Admin Panel and toggle the "Workplace URL" setting on. You can toggle this back if there are any issues, but we do not recommend moving back and forth multiple times. That's it... you are now on!

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Take a look at the Help Centre for answers to all of your technical questions on the move to If you have specific questions, please contact Workplace Support.

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