Intro to Workplace for HR

Drive large-scale cultural transformation with Workplace.

Culture is the totality of all of the actions that everybody in the organisation takes each day. And when those actions happen in Workplace, we believe that profound changes are possible. Changes in behaviour. Changes in systems. And changes in the bottom line.

Why Workplace?

Workplace for HR is a way of thinking about the impact that Workplace can drive across every touchpoint in the employee life cycle. When you add up the impact from each of these touchpoints or "service lines" as we call them at Workplace, we believe the net result will be large-scale cultural transformation inside organisations.

This isn't a linear journey. As in, not every pillar will be relevant to every single business.

High-growth businesses are going to be naturally more focussed on recruiting and onboarding. While organisations with a more tenured employee base will want to consider growth and development along with recognition and performance management. Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of the culture, therefore represented in the centre of the employee experience journey. It is neither a programme nor an initiative, rather embedded in every element of the employee value life cycle.