Learning and development

Learn how Workplace can help you amplify your existing L&D programmes and deliver personalised employee development at scale.

Learning happens every day in the way we work. It's the way we interact with each other internally with our teams, externally with our customers, as well as with our partners.
Why is it important?
  • 12% of learners say they apply the skills from the training they receive to their job.
  • 38% of managers believe that their learning programmes meet their learner's needs.
  • One out of every three employees say that uninspiring content is a barrier to their learning.
  • 68% employees prefer to learn at work, 58% prefer to learn at their own pace, 49% prefer to learn at the point of need.
  • No. 1 reason why employees feel held back from learning is because they don't have the time. 94% of employees would stay longer if their company invested in their career
This guide will walk you through how you can expand access to learning and development opportunities with Workplace.
Create a learning group
Create a learning group
Create an open and official learning group for sharing learning from day-to-day work experiences. Share curated skills-based training with links to training materials and events. Workplace automatically translate posts across 80+ languages, making it easy for you to deliver content to a global workforce.
Seek input and engage your employees by running polls in the group to identify what employees are most interested in learning.
Create Learning guides in team groups
Create Learning guides in team groups
The Learning feature allows group admins to curate multimedia training posts that employees can easily access at any time, from their desktop or mobile devices. Learn how to use the Learning feature in our guide.
Want to share this video with your Workplace community? You can download it here.
Create learning events and educational broadcasts
Create learning events and educational broadcasts
Create Events to drive awareness for upcoming training workshops, you'll be able to send calendar invites to ensure that people can block off time for the training on their calendars. Then, use Live video to broadcast the training to the group. A recording will automatically post to the group as well, so anyone who misses the training can catch up later
Deliver just-in-time micro-learning experiences by going "Live with the expert", and respond to questions using live video's Q&A feature. Or, create "learning moments" by making short, interactive videos that capture real-life learning and sharing them.
Create learning communities and mentorship circles
Create learning communities and mentorship circles
Create a learning community or mentorship circle group to encourage knowledge sharing and professional growth. Have group members share insights from their roles and interesting learning content from across the web.
Create mentor-mentee 1:1 groups to provide a private space to share development experiences and enable virtual mentoring experiences through video calls.
Share personalised learning through chat bots
Share personalised learning through chat bots
Automate learning experiences with chatbots. Workplace helps use the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to deliver custom designed learnings to employees via Workplace Chat messages on their desktop and mobile devices.
  • Bring the learning to the frontline, managers and leaders in their day-to-day work. Make it personal to cater to their individual learning preferences.
  • Deliver "just-in-time" learning experiences with relevant content and feedback to drive productivity.
  • Share real-life learning experiences from subject matter experts and give an opportunity to ask questions.
  • Deliver accessible and easy to consume educational material using Learning
  • Reduce the cost of delivering training
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