Internal campaigns

Boost employee engagement and action around internal programmes.

Want to share this video in a Workplace post? You can download it here.

Engage your employees like you would your customers, and enrich your internal campaign communications with vibrant media, such as images, gifs and videos. Workplace benefits from new Facebook innovations to make sure that it stays at the cutting edge of consumer and employee expectations, enabling you to create more engaging internal communications.

How to do it in Workplace

Create functional FYI groups1. Create functional FYI groups

Create open functional groups that all employees can use to keep up to date and engage with the latest developments of key internal programmes.

Add all employees by making them default groups so that you can reach everyone in one place with the latest project and activity updates.

Learn how to make a group a default group in the Workplace Help Centre.

Pin a post outlining the group's purpose2. Pin a post outlining the group's purpose

Create a post that establishes a clear purpose for each functional group and pin it to the top of the group page. This post should outline what kind of content members can expect to see and engage with in the group. Make sure that you also provide helpful resources that group members can refer to.

Share multimedia assets3. Share multimedia assets

The mobile revolution has created a visual world where video, text, emojis, photos and gifs all have a role to play. Drive increased employee engagement by integrating dynamic and visually engaging content within your internal campaigns. Enable auto-captioning for pre-recorded videos to make your video content accessible to more people across your organisation.

Mobilise your champions4. Mobilise your champions

Mobilise a network of champions around your business to drive awareness and action of key internal campaigns and programmes.

PRO TIP: Empower your champions network with Workplace guides and best practices so that they become natural advocates for Workplace across your organisation.

Host subject matter Q&As with experts5. Host subject matter Q&As with experts

Increase employee understanding of key business programmes by giving them access to the internal subject-matter experts, enabling the progress of these programmes. Creating a regular live employee Q&A session with these experts will create an accessible knowledge base for employees, as well as raise the profile and advocacy of your internal subject-matter experts.

Want to share this video in a Workplace post? Download it here.

If you're not using live video, have subject-matter experts create a Q&A post in a company-wide group and invite people to share their questions. All members of the group will get a notification and will be able to ask questions directly on the post. Groups members will also be able to upvote and downvote questions and reply to other group members.

Live broadcast presentations and meetings6. Live broadcast presentations and meetings

Bring key project developments to life by having project or functional leads live broadcast from internal presentations and meetings. Viewers can share real-time, company-wide feedback via likes, comments and reactions. The live video will be automatically posted to your group, so anyone who misses the meeting can catch up later.



  • Enable employee advocacy by leveraging subject-matter experts to create an accessible knowledge base for employees.
  • Empower employees by encouraging two-way dialogue on key business programmes.
  • Strengthen employee awareness of key business programmes by keeping them connected and informed about key updates.

Success stories

Success stories

Ippon uses Workplace by Facebook
Virgin uses Workplace by Facebook