Bring your entire community together for key moments and virtual events

We’ve launched new improvements to help you boost engagement for events and live video broadcasts.

Earlier this year, we launched major improvements to how events are managed and streamed live on Workplace. Now, we’re building on these earlier improvements with exciting updates to help you increase attendance and boost audience engagement from start to finish.
These feature updates are now available for early access. You can try them out for yourself by selecting “Manage early access” from the What’s New page in the Admin Panel.
Discover events

Discover events

Workplace users can now use the Discover events page to find and join events that are happening across the company. The page will feature every event that they are eligible to attend, and they’ll be able to use sorting options like “Recommended”, “Most Popular” and “Upcoming” to filter through their options.
To explore the new Discover Events page:
  1. Click on See more in the Home menu
  2. Select events
  3. Select Discover events
Learn more about events in our self-paced course, Organise virtual events that rock.
Go live to an event with integrations

Go live to an event with integrations

Integrations with tools like Zoom, Cisco Webex and BlueJeans allow you to stream video calls from your favourite tools to Workplace. Until now, you could broadcast using an integration to a group or to your timeline. We’re introducing the ability to broadcast from your video calling tool directly to a Workplace event. This allows you to create a central space for all of your event information, including the event itself, regardless of where you’re broadcasting from. It also makes it easy for anyone who couldn’t attend to catch up on everything in one central place.
Learn how to broadcast from Zoom, Webex or BlueJeans in this guide. Want to learn more about Live video integrations? You’ll find tutorial videos, technical guides and more here.
Set up live polls in advance

Set up live polls in advance

The ability to set up live polls ahead of time and publish them at any time during your broadcast is back and the experience is easier than ever. Live polls help you gather feedback and engage your audience during your event. Get a feel for this new live polls functionality in the Live video producer interactive demos.
Improved controls for Live video

Improved controls for Live video

Live video hosts and co-hosts* can now manage the layout for their video, with the ability to switch between speaker and grid view. Hosts are able to control how viewers see the broadcast, while co-hosts can only change the view for themselves.
Hosts can also mute others during the broadcast, and co-hosts can mute each other but not the host. You can see these new controls in action in the Live video producer interactive demos.

*An individual is a “host” if they set up the Live video broadcast and invited others. Those who were invited to join the broadcast are “co-hosts”.

A more intuitive interface for Live reactions

A more intuitive interface for Live reactions

We’ve made live reactions easier to find to encourage more engagement and interaction during your broadcasts. Viewers can now give quick feedback with the click of a button using the emojis at the bottom of their screen.
Easier entry points to Live video

Easier entry points to Live video

You can now create a new Live video directly from a new Create button in your Workplace Home menu. We hope this addition to the Workplace navigation makes it easier to create content fast.
Helpful resources

Helpful resources

Check out these educational materials for more information on how to make the most of events and Live video:
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