June campaigns

Campaign kits to help you build culture, celebrate diversity and communicate your return to office in June 2020.

This year, June is going to feel different. Many regions are still experiencing shutdowns due to the threat of COVID-19, while some are emerging from shelter in place to slowly begin a return to "normal". This challenging time has reinforced the need for engaging and authentic company communications, whether it's a plan to keep employees healthy and safe in the office, or a fun way to celebrate one another and bring the company closer together. We've put together three employee engagement campaign kits you can use to communicate with and engage your organisation this June.

Celebrate Pride month with LGBTQ history quizzes

Celebrate Pride month with LGBTQ history quizzes

This year, pride celebrations and related in-person events have been cancelled around the world. This means it's more important than ever to use your online communication channels to celebrate and honour LGBTQ people in and out of your organisation.

The Pride quizzes have been designed to engage your employees in a fun and lightweight way, while also educating your organisation on the rich history of LGBTQ people. Start your week off by sharing a question GIF in one of your all-company social or discussion groups. Make sure that you invite employees to share their answers as comments on the post. Then, end each week by sharing the answer GIF, which provides both the correct answer and some background information to help people understand its significance.

We recommend adding your own links to relevant resources that employees can explore in more detail. If your organisation offers learning and development opportunities around diversity and inclusion and unconscious bias, make sure that you promote these in the post copy as well. Additionally, we highly recommend inviting guest speakers to go live to discuss LGBTQ history and diversity initiatives in your organisation. Use the quizzes to promote all of the initiatives your organisation is undertaking to celebrate pride month.

Download the Campaign KitWork Hero Awards

Work Hero Awards

The past few months have been difficult for all of us. Many of us have had to transition to working from home for the very first time, often while caring for children, while many others have had to adjust to a new way of working on the shop and factory floor. Through all of the challenges we've faced, some of our colleagues have gone above and beyond to check in, offer support and go the extra mile.

Work Hero Awards is a campaign that was created to help boost employee morale and encourage peer recognition in a visible and scalable way. Here's how it works:

  1. Each week, a different employee will be nominated to give a Work Hero Award to one of their colleagues.
  2. Employees can use the customisable Work Hero Award kit to create an image with their colleague's photo and a short description of what they are thanking them for.
  3. They will share that image in a post in your all-company social group or any other group you're using for this campaign.
  4. In the body of the post, they will tag the colleague they're thanking. They'll also tag a colleague on a different team as the next person to share an award for someone else.
  5. The colleague who was nominated to share a Work Hero Award will share their post the following week, and the thread of thanks will continue.

To kick off the campaign, share a post in your group with the Work Hero Awards instructions and the customisable Work Hero Awards kit. Then, share your own Work Hero Award and tag the first nominee to start the thread of thanks in your organisation.

Download the Campaign KitBack to business

Back to business

As some countries around the world begin to scale back COVID-19-related restrictions, many companies are starting to plan for bringing employees back into the office. But it's important to remember that a return to offices hardly means a return to business as usual.

HR and comms teams should develop an internal communication plan in order to anticipate and manage employee concerns with empathy, transparency and authenticity. That might mean opening up new channels for communication between employees, HR and leadership.

While every company's return-to-work communications should be customised to meet their unique circumstances, we've compiled a few suggestions for how to engage with your employees on Workplace during this transitional time:

  • Create a COVID-19 Q&A group:
    Create an official open group that employees can go to to ask COVID-19-related questions. The group should be managed and monitored by members of the HR and comms teams to ensure that employee questions are addressed quickly and appropriately.
  • Share weekly updates from HR:
    Share weekly video status updates from the HR team in your all-company group to keep everyone informed. These videos can be short, 5-minute updates on company initiatives to keep employees healthy and safe.
  • Gather insights with Workplace surveys:
    Send out regular, short questionnaires to members of your organisation to understand how people are adjusting to being back in the office. For full transparency, go live to discuss the results of the surveys and to outline next steps you'll be taking to meet employees' needs.
  • Hold live Q&As with your leadership team:
    Address employee concerns by holding Q&A sessions with members of your leadership team. Share a poll in your all-company group before the live session to collect employee questions. Then, go live to respond to them during your broadcast. The live video will be automatically posted to the group, so anyone that misses the live stream can catch up later.

To help you get the word out about these initiatives, we've created a customisable poster kit that you can use to direct people to resources and support on Workplace. You can print out these posters and put them up around the office, or, save them as image files and attach them to a Workplace post.

Download the Campaign KitTrack engagement with campaigns

Track engagement with campaigns

Use the new Campaigns feature to track employee sentiment and engagement on your internal communications. Campaigns makes it easy to quickly track the performance of multiple posts, so you can gain insights fast, optimise your messaging and improve how you communicate with your people. Learn how to use the Campaigns feature here.

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