Enabling crowd wisdom for better team productivity

The National Broadband Network (nbn) is a national wholesale broadband access network in Australia. The company has a goal to connect Australia and bridge the digital divide.

Why Workplace?

nbn is rolling out Australia's largest-ever infrastructure project to provide every Australian with fast broadband by 2020. Outdated communication systems impacted productivity by creating information silos, meeting turnstiles and mountains of emails.

Operating in a dynamic, rapid-growth environment, nbn needed a way to unite as one team. They had outgrown existing tools and were ready to empower teams to share their expertise, knowledge and ideas.


"Workplace has given over 6,000 of our people a greater voice. Regardless of geography, seniority or role, we now have equal access to each other, our insights and stories."

Karina Keisler
Executive General Manager, Corporate Affairs, nbn

From the field to the workplace

Information no longer cascades down hierarchical channels. Instead, everyone is equally empowered to share updates, pose questions or seed ideas, whether they're in outback Australia or in a major city.

Crowd wisdom, team productivity

The IT team moved their support request queues to a Workplace group. Issues were shared and emails significantly reduced. A surprise added benefit was the power of crowd wisdom, with users assisting each other and a dynamic FAQ generated by the community.

Key features


Connect to the tools that you're already using.

Workplace Chat

Make quick decisions with instant messaging and video calls.

News Feed

Stay up to date with the information you care about.