Managing meetings with Workplace

Five tips to help you plan, host and document your meetings.

Holding meetings can be challenging, especially when you have staff in different locations around the country or around the world.

Workplace makes it easy to connect, share your work and have real human interactions with anyone in your organisation, whenever and wherever. This guide walks you through using Workplace to plan, host, document and broadcast your meetings.

How to do it in Workplace

Prepare for your meeting with polls1. Prepare for your meeting with polls

Polls are a great way to schedule meeting times and to prioritise discussion topics.

Post a poll with different times for holding your meeting, and invite team members to vote on the time that works best for them. Then, use a poll to determine what topics to cover during the meeting. Invite team members to vote and add their own options to the poll.

Create an event in your team group2. Create an event in your team group

Create an event in your team group to announce the date and time of your meeting and invite people.

Set up your Workplace video call3. Set up your Workplace video call

Workplace makes it easy to set up or join meetings from anywhere, using just your mobile phone or computer.

To set up a video call with your team, simply go to your team group and click on the camera icon in the top right of your screen. All group members will be automatically selected to join the meeting, but you remove people as needed.

You can also quickly set up a quick video call with anyone directly from Chat. Simply start a conversation with the person or persons you're meeting with, and click on the same icon in the top right of your screen.

You can even connect to Workplace on Portal for a high-quality audio and video experience. Portal is a video communications hardware device with Smart Camera and Smart Sound. It allows you to feel more present while collaborating with your coworkers, regardless of distance. Visit the Portal website to learn more.

Take notes and document next steps4. Take notes and document next steps

Create a doc in your group that you'll use to take notes. Add a cover photo and select Allow group members to edit this document. Invite other members to share anything in the meeting notes that you might have missed.

After the meeting has finished, share the notes with next steps and jobs do be done. @mention people to assign tasks to them. They can edit the document themselves to keep everyone informed of their progress.

Go live to broadcast a meeting5. Go live to broadcast a meeting

You can broadcast a meeting to your team, department or the entire organisation with live video. It's a great way to model transparent communication and showcase what you and your team have been working on.

Live video viewers will be able to tune in and provide real-time feedback through comments and reactions. After the live video is over, it will automatically post to the group, so anyone who misses the broadcast can catch up later.



  • Centralise all meeting materials: video recording, notes and event planning.
  • Make meeting notes collaborative: Have people add their own notes to the Workplace document.
  • Easily keep track of jobs to be done.
  • Hold meetings whenever and wherever with Workplace video and audio calling.
  • Broadcast a meeting to share project results and showcase your team's work to your department or the entire organisation.
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