What's new in Workplace? December 2021

All of the latest Workplace product announcements and feature releases.

2021 is coming to a close and we are feeling festive! To end the year on a high note, we are excited to announce early access to our integration with Microsoft Teams, improved API support and several important updates to Knowledge Library. Read on for more details.
Connect people across Workplace and Microsoft Teams

Connect people across Workplace and Microsoft Teams

Admins can now opt in to early access to our new integration with Microsoft Teams, which will help organisations seamlessly share Workplace content into Teams.
Once enabled, Teams admins can pin Workplace to the Teams navigation bar for everyone in their instance. Anyone who clicks on Workplace in the Teams navigation bar will be asked to login before being shown an abridged version of their Workplace News Feed, with posts marked as important at the top.
Any Teams user can also sync a Workplace group feed to their Teams channel to keep people informed of important updates and conversations taking place on Workplace. Coming next year you will even be able to livestream video from Teams into Workplace.
Learn more about the Microsoft Teams integration in the Customer Resource Centre.
Workplace now supports SCIM 2.0

Workplace now supports SCIM 2.0

SCIM 2.0 is the latest industry standard API for user management. With SCIM 2.0, your organisation will be able to better manage users at scale via PATCH support. Starting today, Workplace will support SCIM 2.0. Workplace will keep offering support for SCIM 1.1 until 2 December 2022. Learn about SCIM 2.0 and get started with our API documentation.
Knowledge Library is now easier to find

Knowledge Library is now easier to find

We’ve added a Knowledge Library shortcut to the app menu to help people in Workplace more easily discover and access company knowledge. With easier access, visits to Knowledge Library are expected to increase too, making key company resources easier to find than ever before. Learn more in our Help Centre.
Customise your Knowledge Library name

Customise your Knowledge Library name

You can now change your Knowledge Library name to suit your organisation’s needs. This is on top of being already able to edit the Knowledge Library home page name and home page description. Additionally, you can now add a translation for the Knowledge Library name, home page name and home page description.
Subscribe to real-time Knowledge Library updates via webhooks

Subscribe to real-time Knowledge Library updates via webhooks

Your tech teams and partners can now see live feeds of Knowledge Library updates via APIs. This enables richer integrations as well as the ability to set up more powerful monitoring and compliance tools. Visit the developer webhooks documentation for more info.
Simplifying shift covers

Simplifying shift covers

We're making improvements to Shift Cover posts to allow multiple workers to offer cover for the same shift (previously it was just the first volunteer). Shift requests can also now be easily shared through Workplace Chat. Plus, when shift cover is enabled in groups, those groups will get reminders about any available shifts or shift covers that still need approval from managers. These changes will roll out gradually to all customers from 30 November. You can find out more in our Help Centre.
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