We meet the business leaders who are helping shape the future of work. We ask them to tell us about their Workplace launch. We share examples of how the platform is helping them find new ways of working. And we gain real-life insights into the Workplace experience.

We meet Brad Jacobs, CEO of XPO Logistics. We discover what factors led the fastest-growing company in the Fortune 500 to adopt Workplace. We look at how the platform is bringing people together. And how using Workplace helps XPO employees share more ideas.

XPO Logistics (NYSE: XPO) is a top-ten global logistics company that has recently become a Forbes growth champion with revenues reaching USD 14.6 billion. They help customers manage goods more efficiently throughout their supply chains. As the fastest-growing company in the Fortune 500 in 2017, XPO is present in 31 countries, with over 90,000 employees in 1,435 locations.

Brad was an early champion of Workplace. This meant that XPO was one of our early beta customers. Today, XPO uses Workplace to connect its large, complex organisation and thousands of employees use the platform.

Why did you choose Workplace?

Why did you choose Workplace?

"Facebook is a powerful platform and it's familiar to most people. It was an easy choice."

"Facebook is a powerful platform and it's familiar to most people. It was an easy choice."

Workplace enables people to use familiar tools to connect and engage with each other.

This feature was high on Brad's list of priorities and meant that XPO could give employees the best possible interactive community to help them succeed.

As Brad puts it: "To connect our employees around the globe on one platform that can grow with us."

How did the launch go?

How did the launch go?

The launch was a success. There was a significant uptake of Workplace almost immediately as XPO staff quickly began to use groups as a way to connect and communicate. "It went really well. We saw a big spike in use almost immediately. The WeAreXPO Group is our most popular group, which makes me smile!"

"I love to see our employees so enthusiastic about putting our XPO culture out there. It's a point of pride. The more ideas we share the better."

How has it changed the way that you work?

How has it changed the way that you work?

Workplace has enabled XPO to reduce the distance between the leadership team and the rest of the global workforce. It's also creating a space for active dialogue between Brad and XPO staff. The platform is giving people a voice and encourages them to use it in a way that traditional communications tools don't. As Brad says: "For one thing, we now use Workplace to host our global town hall. I'm able to answer employee questions in real time, from anywhere in the world, which is something I couldn't do before."

The Workplace News Feed is constantly up to date and gives the news and views relevant to each person and their job. This allows XPO staff to stay on top of important updates and take part in the conversation wherever they are. That goes for Brad too. "Workplace is the very first thing I check in the morning. I look at the things people are posting all over the world. It keeps me in touch, as well as all the other users all around the world."

"Workplace is the very first thing I check in the morning. I look at the things people are posting all over the world. It keeps me in touch."

"Workplace is the very first thing I check in the morning. I look at the things people are posting all over the world. It keeps me in touch."

XPO has also been using Workplace API to create bots that acknowledge and record peer-to-peer recognition. "We recently launched a 'Thanks' bot that gives everyone an easy way to acknowledge coworkers for being great. When you type @Thanks and tag an employee name, the bot automatically notifies the recipient's manager. You can tag a whole team if you want to. It's pretty cool!"

XPO also uses bots to cut through company jargon. You can ask Jargon bot to clarify XPO acronyms and find definitions, which helps people do their jobs more effectively.

How can we make Workplace better?

How can we make Workplace better?

We're inspired by the feedback our customers give us to make Workplace even better. How does Brad think we can improve?

"Here's something from my wish list. When an employee posts a question, the answer appears in the comments section. Sometimes the threads get really long. It would be great to see a more robust search functionality that works like email, so people can search within the comments of a single thread."

And that's a great suggestion. We'll let you all know about the new updates that we continue to make to Workplace.

With thanks to Brad Jacobs, CEO XPO Logistics.

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