Group admin settings
Group admins can change their group settings to adjust the privacy of the group, as well as changing the group type. Find out more about admin roles in groups and how to manage group members.
Group settings
What group settings are available to Workplace group admins?
Change the name of a group you admin on Workplace
How do I change the privacy settings for a Workplace group I admin?
How do I change the group type on Workplace?
How do I change the default post order in my Workplace groups?
Pin a post in a group on Workplace
Archive or unarchive a group on Workplace
Create a survey in your Workplace group
Remove poll options in a Workplace post
Admin approval for group members on Workplace
Add coworkers to a Workplace group
Remove a coworker from a group on Workplace
Posting permissions in Workplace groups
Create membership rules for groups on Workplace
Admin roles
What is the difference between an admin and a moderator in a group?
Make someone admin of a Workplace group
Remove an admin from a Workplace group
Insights data for Workplace group admins
Why can't I add more than 250 participants to my Workplace group?