Assign or remove someone’s admin permissions on Workplace

Computer help
Only system admins can assign or remove someone’s admin permissions on Workplace.
Give someone admin permissions on Workplace:
  1. Click Admin Panel Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click Admins Admins.
  3. Search for a name in the box next to Create a new admin and select their name when it appears.
  4. Choose which role to assign this person.
  5. Click Save.
Edit or remove someone’s admin permissions on Workplace:
  1. Click Admin Panel Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click Admins Admins.
  3. Click Change role next to the name of the person whose admin permissions you want to remove.
  4. Then:
    • If you want to edit their permissions, select a new role and then click Save.
    • If you want to remove this person’s admin permissions, click Remove as admin then Confirm.
Removing someone’s admin permissions does not remove their account.

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