Workplace Features - Bots

Workplace Bots

Bots make everyday workflows more simple by automating repetitive tasks in an intuitive way, so that everyone can spend more time on work that matters.

Simplify workflows with Workplace Bots

Bots are an easy, intuitive way to improve your company workflows. From sending you timely notifications and checking your annual leave balance, to helping you book meetings and create tasks, Workplace Bots are a smart software that takes care of your routine tasks so you can get on with what's really important. Just think of Bots as your personal digital assistants at work.

Workplace Bots find quick solutions to everyday challenges

What if booking time off was totally hassle-free? Well, there's a bot for that. Digital assistants help you save time by automating mundane chores, while helping your people stay engaged in more meaningful tasks. And there's so much more Workplace Bots can do for you…

Add a little magic to mundane tasks

Digital assistants can help you free up your time and make your workflows a little less painful. So you can focus your energy on more important tasks.

Get the right information, fast

Bots can handle a variety of HR tasks such as booking holidays, signing onboarding documents and sourcing urgent company information – leaving emails and phone calls in the dust.

Take the pulse of your organisation

Automation can also add some fun into the workplace by helping you engage your employees with their coworkers, and then analyse the responses in real time.

Workplace Bots FAQs

With custom integrations for Workplace, it's possible to build powerful bots that can interact with people in groups and chats. To create a publishing bot from your group, first go to your group, click 'More' and select 'Integrations'. Under 'Create group publishing bot', click 'Create bot'. Type in a name and a short description for your bot, then click 'Create'. Click next to 'I understand' and then click 'Done'. Find out more about how to build bots.

If your organisation uses Workplace, your Workplace admins may have enabled one or more integrations that provide a bot that you can interact with on Workplace Chat. These bots may message you with timely notifications, or let you book meetings, create tasks and book annual leave. The exact functionality depends on the particular chat bots that your admin has enabled. If you have questions about the bots that are enabled for your Workplace community, please speak to your Workplace admin. Find out more in the Help Centre.

When you message a bot, you're messaging an application built by someone in your organisation or built by a third party. The developers of that application will have access to the conversation between you and the bot. When you add a bot to a group chat, the developers of the application will have access to the whole group chat thread, just as any person would if you added them to the group chat. Bear in mind that, as with all your content on Workplace, your Workplace admin may be able to see the content that you post or messages that you send or receive – this includes messages that you exchange with a bot.

"We like to think about the bots as our little helpers who can facilitate what we do at work, and bring some excitement around different announcements."

Justyna Wajer

Digital Channels Manager, GSK

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