Yoma Bank

Connecting people with no access to email



Company size




With less than 20 per cent of the company connected online, Yoma Bank had to reach employees through printed newsletters.

Only management had access to email, and size limits on file sharing hampered communication to branches.

How Workplace helped

Bringing the company together

For the first time, employees are connected online. Idea-sharing has increased across the entire company, while travel costs have reduced.

Leading with transparency

Hal Bosher, CEO, interacts with employees daily, sharing insightful industry articles, motivational messages and interesting stories from his business travels.

Fuelling social good

Employees used Workplace to conduct donation campaigns, raising MMK 553,500 (equivalent to USD 1,300) in 10 days for flood relief in Myanmar.

Connecting the field

The Head of Construction uses groups to share updates on new branch construction projects. The Learning and Training Centre shares fun programmes for branch staff to learn about the bank's products.

Finding talent

The HR department posts vacancies in the Recruiting Group, making it easier to get the word out.

"Workplace has brought Yoma Bank into the digital age by allowing everyone at the company to connect in ways previously impossible. Our 2,800 employees now consume information, share their views and have a voice."

Hal Bosher

Hal Bosher


Key features

Create account

Your email address